
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Last of the Sedums

Okay, I probably went a little crazy with the sedums. However, in saying that I feel that I spread them out far enough that nobody would really notice. I have a few indoors, some on the porch and these by the pool. Hope you enjoy these plants as much as I do! I will be doing some more planting of different plants and flowers in the next couple of weeks and will defintely be sharing. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Sedum by Many other Names....

I have labeled all the sedums that I bought this year so that you can go to Lowes or your local Garden Center and find the exact plant you are looking for. It is amazing that sedums come in so many varieties.

This is my plant pot after the winter.  I did not take it inside but I did cover it and assumed that since it was on the porch it would be okay. Well, you know what they say happens when you assume! Take them inside when the winter months have freezing temps. I lost several sedums.

Plant sedums in your pots or garden. You will not be disappointed. Enjoy!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sedum Week

They are known by several names.....sedums, cactus, succulents etc. The best name is hardy!! Sedums work great for me. For one thing, I live in the south, where we have scorching hot summers. Two, I am really bad about remembering to water. Three, they are super hardy. Just remember one thing and that is to take them inside in the cold winters.

These are my pitch pots. I purchased these at Marburger in Round Top.

I had some moss left over from another arrangement so I am going to use that too. I think moss is great if you are going to be putting your pots inside.

This is what I used to plant my sedums...and a watering can.

I made a hole in the center, deep enough for the sedum to sit in.

I Spread the roots out a little.

I added more soil on top and watered.

Take your moss and spread around the sedum.

Sedums do need lots of light, whether you are indoors or out. So find a happy home for them in your happy home and enjoy!

Over the next few days I will be showing lots of different kinds of sedums. They come in all shapes and colors and some even flower! I hope you can get lots of planting ideas for these magnificent, hardy plants! Thanks for stopping by!